Friday, 01 July 2011

1st of July

.....and STILL on diet. Not a bad thing at all.  People try kid themselves that it's a "lifestyle".... NOPE - this is a diet, this is constructed to make me lose weight.  The lifestyle part comes afterwards.

I wasn't going to put anything up before the weekend as I don't really have much to add this week, or to say.  Then I got a message from an online friend.  She would also like to lose weight and has difficulty believing she can do it.

Wow! How many times have I been down that road.  How many times have I come face to face with the truth about me and I felt that I just could not face being on a diet again.  Let me be honest with you, I felt defeated BEFORE I even began. I have felt so overwhelmed by the amount of weight that I had to lose that I didn't know where to start and starting a diet, for some reason didn't make sense to me again, because in my minds' eye I just saw all the failed attempts, I saw myself failing what would be the point of attempting yet again.  Fatty Lou would just disappoint again.  Could I face that again!!!!!!!!

I had too.  There was no other choice.  It was do or die for me.  I have to lose this weight, not only for my uncle, but for me.  I can't carry on my life being obese.  I have too much stuff I want to do, I want to look back when I'm 85, sitting on my porch, and have no regrets, knowing I can move on to the next adventure.

This plan has gotten a lot easier, but there are days I find it hard, days I'm hungry, days I'm angry at myself for doing this to myself, days I want to give up.  I have to dig deep, really deep to make that day successful.  Gone are the excuses.  This is me, all me.  Failure is NOT AN OPTION.  I don't care what I have to sacrifice in food terms to get to my goal.  Hear me when I say that - I don't care!  I will do it. It's a war!  I'm fighting against my body, my mind, the years of being fat, the years of eating what I wanted when I wanted and how I wanted.  I will not lose again.  I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of being fat.  I don't want to be fat any more.  And so I fight on.

Sheez!  Ja!  I will get there.

As I walk this path, I'm realising just how passionate I am about weightloss and helping others.  I honestly will help anyone who needs encouragement, who needs assistance with what to eat - I've got the low down on healthy eating.

So, to a healthy weekend!  Health is wealth.

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