Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Excuses, excuses.

There are so many diets on the market today.  Many promise fabulous results without exercising or cutting out the bad foods.  Stay clear of those - if they sound that good, you know that they are marketing to the gullible and rather just avoid buying into those products - they are out to make a quick buck off us that really are desperate to lose weight.

If you are desperate to lose weight you have to get honest with yourself.  There is no easy way out. You have to cut back, you have to make much healthier choices and you will have to say no to a number of things.  There are diets that are easier going and have a system that if you want to lose x amout, you follow plan A, B, C, D etc.  Remember though that if you want to see huge results you'll have to go for the strictist of those choices.  You cannot choose a plan designed to lose 0.5kg and expect more than that - you will be disappointed, disapointment leads to be being discouraged which leads to you falling off your plan.

That is why I chose the plan I'm on.  I have a lot to lose and I WANT TO SEE THOSE RESULTS, thus the very strict plan.  Many fat/overweight/obese people say "I can't do that, it's too strict"  or "that is too little food and doesn't sound very healthy".  All I hear are excuses.  Sure, sure, I understand that right now they may not be in a place to tackle something like this, because it is a huge step and requires will of steal.  I also understand that as they say that they don't hear it as an excuse, they hear it as a ligitimate argument.  I'm begging those peeps to give it a one or two week try.  If you don't like the results on the scale - move on.  I wish I had someone to push and push me 10 years ago so that I could have beaten the battle of the bulge then.

Another excuse:  I love my food!  Yeah, so do I.  I love eating it, I love cooking it and sharing it.  THAT is why I am overweight, because I didn't work off what I ate or I had too much of the bad foods too often and now the bulge.  What you have to do now is LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH to give up those unhealthy oily foods.  Very few people can eat what they like without putting on weight.  If you are fat/overweight/obese you can't eat what you like and your love of food is going to kill you.  So, love yourself enough to make a change. Love yourself enough to put yourself first and battle the bulge. Love yourself enough not to give up.  Love yourself enough to stop the excuses and go for it.

I know that diets/plans and joining challenges or gyms can be expensive.  When I am done I seriously want to inspire others to lose their weight and not rip them off.  You don't need special pills or foods to be successful, you just need to know the right food combos.  Gyms are so expensive/ trainers even more so, once I know the basics I want to help on the exercise side of it too.  I know the basics, but want to increase my knowledge so that I can pass that on and share with those that want to become trimmer and healthier.  I want to be able to offer a whole package - and I would be the proof that the package worked.  You will know that I have gone before you and succeeded.

So for those of you that need that lil oomph or push in the right direction, start making healthier choices today.  I started with the decision to tackle my weight 18 weeks ago - 4 and half months,  and I'm down nearly 40kgs for it. WOW!!

Health is wealth

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