Wednesday, 06 July 2011

Madam Z Night!

It has finally arrived.  Madam Zingar!  I knew when I started this diet nearly 4 months ago that I would have this cheat night.  That would be Madam Z night.  It is an over the top show, show casing some amazing talet and food.

I am nervous!  Perhaps a little scared.  I'm going to be faced with 'normal food' for the first time in 4 months.  Things pop into my head:  * will my stomach handle it * will I dive in and stuff myself like a pig * what to choose * is this wise *

I have made up my mind that I will sample what foods they have on offer.  I already know I am not going to eat it all. I don't want to make myself feel sick nor do I want to overdo it.  A little taster from each course should suffice. Besides there is something so much better happening than the food.

NEW JEANS!  Yes I haven't worn the pair I'll be wearing tonight out yet.  Simply because, though they fitted, they were still quite tight.  Did do a try on earlier in the week, and the jeans fit and are comfy.  I've bought new red shoes and will definitely be playing dressup.

I'll be taking photos for my journal and may put up a couple up here.

Now something a bit more serious:  When giving up a vice: eg bad eating habits (or whatever it is), one can transfer that bad habit into another area.  So though you are succeeding in losing weight, another area in your life becomes infected.  I don't want that to happen with me.  I do think my personality type may have a tendency to lean towards that transferral.  I will have to just keep my eye on one or two areas to make sure that I'm not transferring my feelings/emotions into something that could be just as distructive.However if I'm going to put that extra energy into playing tennis - different story.

Tennis - I so loved this game when I was younger.  Eish regret right there!!!!  And swimming.  I definitely had natural talent when younger and just never developed it for religious reasons and obviously later on in life, I was too overweight to make that dream a reality.  If only I had someone that pushed and pushed and then pushed some more - yeah that is another reason why I'm so gunhoe about this weightloss journey, I don't want to have any other regrets in my life.  That is why I'll stand behind my brother and support his dreams - whether or not they come to fruition - he's got to know someone is in his corner.  So back to tennis, I've been checking out some rackets, prices range from your cheap crapadilo to top of the range pro prices.  Since I'm no Nadal, I shan't be aiming for those pro rackets .... yet :)  I definitely want to get back into playing.  I'm looking forward to creating a strong, healthy, fit Lou.  It's so exciting.

I'm happy to say that I've now shared my diet with 4 other people.  Some have a bit to lose, some not too much, but I want to let them know that though it is a strict plan, you see the results.  This is not one of those plans that don't deliver.  I'm living proof it delivers.  I had 2 people tell me I'm fading away today and that the weightloss is really noticable.  So, stick to the plan and the kgs will fall off!!!!!!

Visited with my uncle last night.  It's good to visit and chat with him, he always says he feels so much better after a visit and that makes me feel like I'm helping him.  Most times I feel at such a loss on how to comfort him, but it's good to know that just being there distracts him.  He talks on a variety of things, the good 'ol soccer days, how his mother is his champion (and she is, at 76 or 77 still doing so much for her son), his father - though a crabby grumpy man, still holds him dear, his nephews and nieces - how proud he is of them that they have come so far. We sit and watch re-runs of Fraiser and I know that one day I'll look on these times as very special - I alreayd know they are. He still has a joke for me and we have a laugh - he went as far as to predict that I, Louise Maxwell will be married by the close of 2 years - this will be interesting.  I've always maintained that I'm not the marrying kind - but hey if Nadal had to drop his gorgeous girlfriend and  ask me to marry him - I'd consider:)  

Treasure the ones you love. Health is wealth.

1 comment:

  1. I did Madame Zingara a few weeks ago, towards the end of their Jozi run - brilliant! And the good thing foodwise is that whilst absolutely delish, their portion sizes are kind of gourmet food size - small and beautifully presented - so it should be easy to stay in control.

    Enjoy - it's such a blast... I reckon that if Madame Z the travelling show had existed when I was a twenty somethinh with no responsibilities I would have run off and joined their circus!
