Thursday, 14 July 2011

It's not about how fast I get there....35kg's on.

I'm not a huge Miley Cyrus fan - she's got a couple of good tunes, but we all have our taste in music. There is one song however that resonates with me.  The Climb - here are the lyrics: I can almost see it, that dream I'm dreaming. But there's a voice inside my head saying "You'll never reach it".  Every step I'm taking, Every move I make feels lost with no direction. My faith is shaking. But I gotto keep trying, gotto keep my head held high.  There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose. Aint about how fast I get there, aint' about whats waiting on the other side, It's the climb! The struggles I'm facing, The chances I'm taking, sometimes might knock me down, but no, I'm not breaking. I may not know it, but these are the moments that, I'm going to remember most - yeah, Just got to keep going. And I - I got to be strong, Just keep pushing on.(chorus x2 and sing it like you mean it) Keep on moving, Keep on climbing, Keep the faith - baby, It's all about it's all about the climb. Keep the faith, Keep your faith - whoa :)

That is what my journey is about.  I'm climbing up my moutain, I'm going to face trials and tribulations, I might fall and hurt myself, but I got to keep on going, got to dust myself off, pick myself up and move forward.  I am learning so much about  myself: things that trigger my emotions, the crazy in me, the strength I have, the person that I'm evolving into, the determination I have.  This is my journey, my life - I'm climbing all the way to the top and I know the view is going to take my breath away.

That being said, I can officially tell you I have lost 35kg's.  Yup!  I have a whole lot of little "weight" goals set and I have reached a couple of them so far.  4 months ago I started at my heaviest weight ever (still under wraps for now)  The first goal was to reach what I was when I came back from London in 2005, the second was to reach my weight of when I fiiiiiiiiiiiiirst did Dr. Cohen.  I have reached both of these.  The third goal is to get to the same weight I was when I lost my 20 kgs' on the diet all those years ago.  That is 11kg's away.  The goal after that is to be the same weight when I was in matric and then std 8 - then I'm in virgin territory :) So the climb continues.

I don't know that I'll lose another 35kgs in the next 4 months but I will definitely be striving towards that goal.  I won't recognise myself - that's kinda cool though.

I'm definitely feeling a hellofa lot better, more stable, more positive and happier.   

Oh yes, last night I joined a Weight Loss Challenge group.  You weigh and measure every week.  The number is still not important to me but I think it'll be good to have a record  -  I'll be able to use that information later on to inspire others, that they too can lose any amount of weight if they put the mind, heart and soul into it.

Health is wealth.

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