Friday, 03 June 2011


Something that you have to be to overcome anything is inspired.  That thing that drives you to your goal, to stick to the path.  I have found inspiration from many places, from those who have gone before me and accomplished their goal weight and the most fantastic metamophises to being an inspiration to others.  Don't forget all the other titbits along the way, like fitting into clothes, compliments you get.  It all helps keep on the straight and narrow.

Today I got a compliment from a little old lady, my "super" as a matter of fact.  The poor old dear said that I looked sexy today - hey I'm going to take a compliment like that from anyone, doesn't matter who.  It may have had to do with the messy bed hair look, or the lovely bottle green top I had on - hey I ain't complaining.

My resolve has strengthend over these last 10 weeks.  My will is cast in iron and I will continue to surge forward. I do still have little doubts that cross my mind, but I'll reason them out logically - the one that does surface is "will this diet continue to work?"  I get sceintific about it - If I stick to the plan there is no reason why it shouldn't.

I also don't get as overwhelmed as I used too - sooo much to lose, how will I ever.  I take it day by day.  Each day I go out to make it 100%.  When that day is complete, I literally tick it off my calender.  Another good day. So yes it creates a conscious awareness of being in the now moment and not getting caught up in the fact that I have to stay on this diet till whenever.

I also find that when I do get into a bit of a funk or a bit low or emotional - I'm not automatically turning to food for comfort.  I'm figuring out why I get into those lows, was it something someone said, was it something I said or did? I then look for the solution. Before, it would be stuffing my face to try push that emotion/ feeling down or away - not that they ever get pushed down or go away, not unless you address the issue.

So the journey continues...
Yours in health!

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