Monday, 30 May 2011

Getting Smaller Every Day!

So after my brilliant start to the weekend (fitting into smaller clothes) I was brave enough to pull out a pair of jeans that I bought and NEVER wore - they were so tight, they could only get up to my thighs and that was it. I had hung them up and left them.  On friday night, encouraged by the morning fittings, I tried them on and to my absolute suprise and delight they fitted.  They actually fitted. I was hoping to get into them by August for the Madam Zingara's show! Whoop whoop!  That means I'm down 5 jean sizes. HOORAH!

If you've never been overweight, you'll never know the feeling of giving your 100% and being rewarded.  There is no better taste on earth than that and right now I will not exchange that for a fleeting cheat.

I sat through a birthday breakfast at Spur and stuck to black coffee only, while everyone around me ate bacon, eggs, chips and toast.  I was sitting in my newly fitted jeans and it didn't bother me one little bit.

I know that every day I'm 100% I get smaller in size.  I know that every day I'm 100% gets me closer to my goal.  I look at pics of people that have lost great amounts of weight and am inspired to continue.

Today, a collegue brought in some Briyani as it was her birthday over the weekend.  Everyone gathered around the 'meeting table' and enjoyed a delicious Indian lunch.  I sat and drank water, ate 2 crackers.  My boss kept apologising whenever she said how lovely the meal was.  I told her not to worry, I've tasted it all before and that I am where I want to be and do not feel like I'm missing out.

Thank you to everyone that has encouraged me to keep going.

I know I still have a long way to go, but I've been walking this path for 2 and a half months and I know that I can do it.  So I will!


  1. You are amazing Lou! Keep it up!

  2. Hi Lou
    My name is Elicia. I was on this diet and started last year, 14 July 2010, and finished early Feb 2011. I lost in total 42 kilo's and was the best gift I gave myself! I will LOVE to chat to you and if you like, I will send you some of my before and after pics and a few recipe books! Keep at it girl, you are doing great!! And it is so worth it!
    My email adress (without the spaces) el iciab@
    Give me a shout if you want to chat or need some advice or encouragement.

  3. Hi Elicia - wow!!! That is so amazing. I'll be dropping you a mail today!
    Ta Ruth!!!
