Monday, 16 May 2011

Cut the Freaking Fat!!!

Hoorah!  2 months today.  At times this diet messes with my mind, no not the diet, my mind messes with itself.  I've always failed when it comes to losing all of my weight.  I've lost, put on, lost - you know the usual yo-yo style and in the end, just given up.  I always felt so overwhelmed by it - beaten before I had started. 

This time, however, it has been so very different.  My mind is made over and that is truly half the battle won, one quarter is to stay on the diet until you reach your goal and the other half is to keep saying everything you are not allowed.  Yeah it does effect your social life to a degree, but it's worth it and it's not forever.

So since I've changed my lifestyle, I'm very picky about the fruit, veg and meat I buy.  I look for interesting fruits that don't have too much sugar - I've been so let down in that department - the variety and deliciousness of fruit in SA this year is lacking.  Most pears and plums are powdery - ugh!!  And well there is just very little variety out there!  The veg has been up to standard and I was so excited when brussel sprouts came into season - I love them!!!!  You have to simply boil them with a little bit of garlic, salt and pepper and then eat them hot - pop in your mouth delicious.

 I pretty much stick to chicken fillets, chicken mince, smoked chicken, lean cuts of steak and mince. I haven't had a chance to get my hands on fresh fish just yet.  Mince is a tricky one, as a lot of fat can be hidden in mince.  NEVER EVER buy regular mince - it's far far to fatty, I never bought it before and never will.  Even lean mince, would you believe, contains a hellofa lot of fat.  So naturally, being the new healthy me, I opt for the EXTRA LEAN MINCE.  Off I go and weigh my 110g portion of mince with my 110g veggie and proceed to boil it up with herbs, garlic, salt and curry powder.  I always leave a little bit of liquid in my meal.  I put it in a tupperware and in the fridge at work.

When it came to heat it up in the micro, I opened and saw that SO MUCH FAT had solidified *ugh*.  This is supposed to be extra lean mince that has been boiled and there is still soooooooo much fat in it.  I was trully shocked.  I thought I had bought the wrong mince and did check when I got home, as I still had the packaging.  Trues bob, extra lean mince!!!  So instead of shrugging and popping it in the micro, I took a spoon and took as much of this congealed fat out of my food - it turned out to be about 2 and a half tablespoons!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes people there is that much hidden fat in 110grams extra lean mince.  I make sure I scoop all of that out and throw it away.  It's better for me and my heart.

Thinking back about how I would have prepared mince - put oil with my onions and tomaotes, throw in the mince and not given that fat a second thought.  I'm amazed at how I'm scrutinizing even my healthy foods.  I guess when you have limited options you look for the best of everything and you want to get what you pay for....and I want to be as good as I can be on this diet.

Perhaps if you are looking to lose a bit of weight, start by cutting out as much fat as you can.  Boil chicken and then pop it in the oven if you want to brown it. Boil your mince down. Slow cook or boil other foods, you'll be amazed that they still taste pretty good with a little bit of garlic, herb and spices.

I can't wait to be able to write that another 2 months have passed with success.

Yours in health!

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