Friday, 06 May 2011

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.

I am not the most attractive human in the world, I have my freckles, my flaws, my lumps and bumps.  There are one or two things I'd like to change and I'm working on the one.Overall though I'm a really fine/phat person.  You'll be hard pressed to find someone like me in this day and age.  I'm not saying this to blow my own trumpet, it's the truth.

What I don't need in life is to have other people shit on the little parade that I may have going on.  I'm feeling healthier than I ever have, I'm feeling good and positive about my life ..... and then ..... poop! 

Words can still hurt and though I have a very strong mind I do feel it now and again.  I am strong enough though to rise above it and continue on.  I found again though when I felt this "cut" that I wanted to turn to food.  I wanted to eat away the pain, but I knew that I couldn't.  I couldn't run and hide behind the fridge.  I had to face it full on and ask myself questions a) is what is being said true? b) how does this effect me? c) are you going to cheat?  So back to my first paragraph, I may not be beautiful in the way the world may dictate, but I'm still beautiful in so many ways, I am worth it, I am perfect the way I am and no one is going to tell me different....sticks and stones people, sticks and bloody stones.

So I decided to just let it be.  Let the hurt sit there and then let it go and the most important thing - Not To Cheat!  I was successful, so another little victory.  The more I can master my emotions the more I let food go and the more I let food go the easier it gets.

I do have another food hurdle coming up.  The Indaba.  Every year the magazine I work for attends, and I have to be there over all 4 days.  Everything is paid for.  There is breakfasts from 'healthy mini muffins' (insert muffin vitamin joke here) to full on bacon and eggs.  Don't forget lunch to tantalise your tastebuds and all the other little extras they throw in.  Many stands have sweeties and oysters - whoop whoop - to intice you to their stand.  I, however, shall be packing my own lil lunch! My wee lunch! My healthy lunch and the lunch that shall ultimately sustain me....ja.

Definately going to call up the jedi within to get over this." The force is strong with this one". Sooooo many temptations.

Lately I've been getting a tad hungry during the day.  Don't know if it has to do with the cold weather settling in and the desire for hot soups with crispy hot rolls smeared with real butter?? 

Anyway I can't believe that in just over a week I would have been on diet for 2 whole months.  It's so awesome that I started this journy and have stuck to the path.  Before I know it another 2 months would have past and I'll be all the more closer to my goal.

Health is wealth!  

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