Tuesday, 03 May 2011

6 Weeks - Horah!

Yeah, 6 weeks on...what can I say except that I'm so proud of myself for getting here.  I remember when I was counting the days to 21 - when new habits are created.  I've now doubled that time and it's gone a lot faster.  I am definitely getting into the swing of things.  Taking the new lifestyle in my stride and continually reminding myself where I want to get too.  When I get there, there will still be work to be done:  eg excercise and toning.  I will tackle that when I get to that bridge.  For now I'm happy that I started and have kept to the diet for this long.

Two more weeks and a whole 2 months - wow! An attainable goal. I've keep telling myself I can do it, and then I AM doing it.  I know my journey is a long one, it's not an overnight ride.  I've got to walk it every day.  Some days are harder than others.  It's good to have support those days.  My one friend said " I'm not amazed, 'cos I know you can do it, never expected anything less "  If they slip up and offer me something and I have the opportunity to say no, it strengthens my resolve.  Every good healthy decision I make gets me closer and closer to a slimmer me.

I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, the number isn't important any more, the key thing is that I'm losing weight every day and every day my body is smaller than the day before.  There is no reason to get upset, because I have been true to myself, my promise and this diet and will continue to do so.

I'm still keeping my food interesting and as tastey as I can with what I have available to me.  The other night I made chicken "meatballs" with squash.  I got some chicken mince, added my garlic, my finely chopped chilli and leeks, added a bit of salt and rolled 9 balls and let that cook.  It turned out really well.  Today my lunch was simply delish.  I made savory mince.  100g lean mince, 110g mixed mushrooms / green onion, garlic, salt and a dash of balsamic.  Cook in water and let it simmer all the way down - simple and truly delicious.  Yumm yumm.  My best dish these days is cheese salad.  Since lettuce doesn't weigh all that much, you're allowed quite a bit, I add that with 2 cherry tomatoes, a little sliced onion and cucumber, a drizzle of balsamic and voila - a brilliant tastey cheese salad. I'm going to have this every day until I get sick of it.

My last pic was taken 2 weeks ago, I'll be taking another one today when I get home and reviewing them next to each other.  I have been receiving compliments, so that is a good sign.  

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