Monday, 27 June 2011

3 and a half months: Updates on bits and pieces.

The kind of cream cheese you use does become important when you're trying to keep your food tatesy and as free of spices/flavourants as possible.  It's fair enough if you're buying smoked salmon cream cheese, that's delicious on it's own and most brands will get it right.  Low fat plain cream cheese though can taste a little sour / off especially as you're only going to be having it with a salad (no dressing) or on crackers.  So the TYPE of cream cheese you buy is important.

I've gone few a variety of brands and I can honestly say have not finished one whole tub yet. I get sick of the taste and just don't want to put myself through it.   Salt and pepper only go so far. Since I want to stay on this diet for a while, I have to shop around and find the foods that will remain appealing for a long time.

I recommend the Woolworths, low fat, plain smooth cream cheese (never been a fan of cottage).   It is super delicious and I don't even use salt or pepper.  I wouldn't go as far as to get the fat free one.  Low fat is as low as I'm going.  If I had 10 thumbs, I'd give it that many.  Do yourselves a favour and get a tub - you won't regret it.

This weekend I did find myself in a bit of a pickle as I had left my little bit of meat on my home counter and I was at a friends' place for a braai - PANIC!!!!  I really didn't want to cheat and I didn't know what to do.  Thank goodness they did have a pack of fillet chicken and even better a scale - day saved!  I momentarily felt sick.  I wasn't going to cheat, so was quite prepared to just eat my 100g veggie and starve or drink gallons of water.  I also found the stash of provitas as I had left that at home too.  It's the cold.  It numbs my brain.

Fat rolls are definitely getting smaller!  Neck is getting more defined.  The difficult place to measure is the upper arms - yeah you know the spot, the saggy bits - ugh!  I know that the best way to sort that out is by doing 25000 arm kick backs - works the triceps wonderfully.  I'll get to that.  For now, I rub and massage :)  Don't know that it's helping anything but the circulation.

In about a month and a half or so I'm going to be joining a weightloss challenge group.  You meet once a week and you get weighed and measured.   I'll know exactly how much of lost by then, how much to go and will be able to see cms' lost.  I had joined this group last year sometime so they have all my measurements on record.  I'll then post the results.

Update on my uncle:  I have made an effort to visit my uncle and I know that he appreciates those times.  Our discussions distract him from the pain and illness for a while.  He gets to talk about the "good 'ol days" and though I've heard the stories so many times, he tells them with such joy that I can't help but indulge him one more time.  I definitely feel that I'm in the right frame of mind too.  Digging deep and taking an honest look at myself has helped me make improvements and adjustments where needed.  He is failing though!  Every day. Yesturday he spoke about feeling strong to make it through the week.  Today when I spoke to him, I could hear defeat in his voice and he told me had a very bad night.  I don't want to go into his personal details.  He did ask that my aunt and I try get him into hospice.  It is a hard thing to hear that because he said he knows once he goes in, he doubts he'll come out again.

I'm also so pissed off at the public health system.  I know they are pushed to their limits.  I appreciate all they do.  BUT, they do fall short in some places.  They don't listen to my uncle when he speaks about his catheta problems, they don't solve it, they don't make plans to help.  He has to leave the hospital in as bad a state as he went in.  Very few in the public health profession show kindness, when you do come across someone that actually gives you 5min, it blows you away.  There is a definate lack of compassion in this field.  These patients look to their doctors and nurses for help, explainations and advise.  They fall short and leave you in the dark.  It baffles and angers me and I'm not ill.  I wonder how my dear uncle feels.

Let those that you love, know you love them.
Yours in health!

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