Monday, 04 April 2011

Let's Talk About Food.

It does seem that a lot of my conversation these days revolves around food.  Healthy foods.  How to make the food tastey.  What food are you eating. What food is on offer at the grocery store. Bad food. Foods we need.  Food programs. Food, glorious food.  Food truly is a delicous and wonderful thing.   I would however like to add, I'm not obsessed with food.

It just so happens that I'm more aware/conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth. Knowing the choices about the food I choose to eat will ensure a certain outcome.  I'm pleased to say that another weekend has passed and I've been 100%.  The thought of straying off this path doesn't sit comfortably with me. Not only will I be disappointing people around me, but I'd be letting myself down ... again, and I don't want that.  This is the first time I believe that I am actually going to succeed in losing weight - how odd does that sound.

My stomach is more used to it's smaller portions and though I still feel empty, I do not get hungry.  I always make sure I have my 1lt water bottle next to me, and constantly sip from it during the day. 

As I've mentioned I feel like it's done, it's just a matter of walking the journey out.  I tick each day that goes by, another good day, another 100% day and it makes me feel so good that I've stuck to it for that day.  It's all about embracing each day.  It's easy to get distracted and disheartend when you think of being on diet for a year, not so much when it's just for today.  Today I plan on being healthy.  Right now I plan on sipping that water.  Conquering "the now moment" at every "now moment" will guarantee that I am successful.  If I think of 6 months down the line, I get a bit dispondent and overwhelmed.

Today's lunch consists of 3 large cherry tomaotes, 2 tsp onions, 60g baby spinach leaves (raw) and cottage cheese. I've seasoned the cottage cheese with garlic chives and a touch of garlic, salt and pepper.  2 provitas. This makes quite a delicious little salad and is satisfying.  You've got to find ways to make your food appealing to the eyes.  We eat with our didn't know?  If it looks delicious, it will definately appeal to the senses a bit more.  You want to eat that healty food. 

My mangos are taking a long time to ripen, so in the meatime I've been scouting the aisles for a replacement fruit.  No easy task.  I do NOT like apples.  I will only eat them if there really is nothing else on offer and even then, I'll have to be really hungry.  I haven't been in the mood for oranges/naatjies/grapfruit - too citrusy for my mood at the moment.  Grapes are a no no as they contain too much sugar.  The peaches haven't tasted peachy of late.  Hmmm talk about finding yourself in a fruit fix.  So, opted for plums and pears.  The pears are huge and though I'd love have one whole fruit to count as one, that would be "wrong".  So I have divide the pears in 2 - they are that big and I have to say delicious.  Firm, textually just right (don't like my pear powdery), sweet and peary.  I can't say the same for the plums though.  As I munched away at my plain yoghurt and plum this morning, I was thinking about the lack of plum taste in my plum.  It didn't taste anything like how a plum should taste.  I expect a plum to have that deep, rich, sweet taste of a ruby plum.  Alas, it tasted like .... well like nothing much acutally.  There was flesh, a slightly sweet juice and a touch of tart from the skin - so disappointing.  

One more week and that will be 21 days.  The habit is created.  Back to today though -  Viva Monday, Viva healthy eating and Viva weight loss.


  1. 2 weeks! Congrats LouBelle! Wooooop!

  2. It is going very well Lil J* 2 Weeks and counting. I even drink black coffee like you now :)

  3. I get that about the fruits. I have been getting navel oranges from my tree. Kind of small this year, but very flavorful. Nothing like them at the market. A couple a day is delicious. I have gotten pears from the store and they are always pretty good. Nectarines were not so good. Too firm and they get brown before they get softly sweet. Same with peaches. It has not been good for those fruits. I think they are shipped in from Mexico or Chile this time of year.
