Monday, 11 April 2011

21 Days!

I've made it to day 21.  This was my first goal that I set.  It is said that it takes 21 days to break or make a habit and that is what I set out to do.  Survive 21 days so that the new habit of healthy eating is created and the old habit of sticking whatever I wanted in my mouth, broken.

I'm not saying that this is it, that I've arrived or that it's going to be easy.  Not at all.  What I am saying is that it can be done, it is a small goal that I've achieved.  The next small goal is a week away, to make it to 4 weeks (1 month).  I'm all about setting small goals quite close to one another.  It's my way of giving that pat on the back.   With each small goal I make the closer I get to the end goal - The BIG one.  Total success on the weight issue.

The weekend wasn't too bad - I did have a night where I battled a little.  Saturday night = Braai Night at a friends' place.  Ah man and you now how delicious boerewors smells on the braai!!!  I was of course prepared and had made quite a delicious soup, which I heated up and ate before everyone tucked into their meal. For my "drink" I had a lt soda water and 1/2 lt diet sprite.  I mixed the two and created a rather, not too sweet, drink.

I let everyone there know that I was on a diet and to be free to speak up if ever they saw me cheating.  Initially I wasn't going to tell anyone, but it's better being honest about these things. People then know why you decline a dinner invite or why you've become a tad less social (especially around food).  I'm very comfortable letting people know about my plan and how I'm doing.

I've got a couple of more food pics that I'll be putting up - different takes on my lunch and dinner.  You can make very healthy, tastey food without the spices.  Thank goodness for garlic, chilli and herbs.  I'm loving the clean feeling inside.  I'm no longer bloated and my eyes are sparkling.

21 days into this.  My new habit is created.  I'm ready for my next 21 days.  Bring on the success!

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