Monday, 18 April 2011

4 Weeks In.

Today is my 4th week of being on diet.  The diet itself is going extremely well. I feel stronger than ever to stick to it.  Saying no is getting easier.  I do find that a lot of layers are being peeled back emotionally and there are a number of different emotions surfacing, one being anger.  I'm dealing with it, sometimes well and sometimes not so well.

My weekend wasn't good emotionally.  I was very very down and had to do everything in my power to remain cool, calm and sort of sane.  I didn't really succeed all that well.  At the moment or rather from this time of my life I want people that are uplifting, encouraging and that add to my energy rather than drain it.  It takes a toll on me physically, mentally and spiritually - to the point I have to physically remove myself from such negative energy.  When it comes from family, it can be very difficult to deal with.  Of course those emotions also want to make me turn to food and take comfort there.  The weather was rainy and blue and only added to the crush.

The universe is also pretty much showing me whose boss, so I've decided I shall end my war with it and remember Job.  The man from the bible that went through much and still remained true to his God.  I'll take a lesson from that and continue my way.

I also try take out postive lessons out of negative experiences.  This experience shows me what kind of people I desire in my life and that I want to bring positive energy to people around me.

As we make our way into autumn then winter, the diet may get harder as the body will want all those comfort foods.  I've just got to keep to it.  Every day gets me closer to the end result - a slimer, healthier me.

Health is wealth!

(as I sign off today, a favorite song plays...I just came to say Hello....hello.....hello...hello ... ooh ooohoooh)


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