Monday, 01 August 2011

Pants to the Ground!

After 4 and a half months of watching every morsal that goes into my mouth I am proud to say that I'm starting to pack away some very fat clothes.  I have about 6 pairs of pants (jeans/smart/cargos) and a couple of skirts and shirts that I can no longer wear.  Most of these were very tight on me to begin with, so much so that sitting down in one pair of them (my pirate pants) was in danger of poping the zip.  I couldn't decide what to wear to a friends' place and pulled on the pirate pants and they were extremely lose and with a little bit of a wiggle... - Pants to the Ground!!!! whooo hooo  Even the pants that I couldn't even pull up my thighs at the beginning of this journey are getting a bit too baggy for me.  Once they become the 'fat pants' I'm going to have to go do a bit of shopping otherwise I will not have any clothes that I can fit in too.

I'm not complaining!

The cold has been playing havoc with my stomach.  I'm definiately a lot more hungry these days and my stomach growls in protest.  In order not to be too miserable and then totally lose the plot I will at times have an extra cracker or two with a little bit of cheese.  I don't want to get to a mentally unstable place and then pig out on whatever I can get my hands on  -  so nope still not easy.  The routine has become old hat and I know my food measurements off by heart, but the follow through every day is still a bit hard.  I still am tempted. I still desire a lekka plate of curry and rice. Every day I choose not too give in.  The end result is firmly established in my mind's eye and I desire to succeed much more than my desire to eat.

I'm looking forward to keeping to the plan and seeing how many kgs I will shed this month.  I have about 7 or 8 kgs to go before I reach my next goal.  It would be awesome to reach that by the close of August, but if not shortly there-after. 

I'm happy that I decided on the 21st of March 2011 to change my life.  It took one small step, then another, then another, then.....I can look back at those baby steps now and see that they have amounted to a good few huge leaps.  I will continue with my baby steps - they are changing my life every day!

Health is Wealth.

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