Thursday, 04 August 2011

Stay strong, stay true.

That is my motto I've written on my calender in my bedroom.  This calender tracks my progress.  After breaking the 40 kg mark I realised this is the time for me to get SERIOUS.  I can't lose focus now.  Time for me to lock my gaze on the goal and keep looking at it. 

As I started typing this my boss handed me a black "People" bikini - my first bikini.  Right now they look like little bits of dental floss and I cannot imagine squeezing myself into it - I doubt it would cover any wobbly bits at all - BUT - I will fit into this and I will take a picture and I will put it up for all to see :) ... once I've lost the weight of course, as I wouldn't want you to have nightmares.

So yes I have to stay strong and stay true. The war is not over.  I've come far, but still have far to go.

I'm so happy that others have seen my story or read about my journey and are now trying to lose weight themselves.  Do it!!!! Reach for that goal and take steps that will ensure your success.  If you do have a bad day, forgive yourself and get back on the horse straight away, don't take a week or two to figure it out, by then all the work you've done would be in vain and you have to start all over again.  Give yourself mental talks, hell, even speak out loud if that helps. I do.  I've already gone over my food a number of times for the next few days, especially this coming saturday as I have braai at a friends place and then on Sunday I'm taking my gran out for lunch.  I have to make sure I'm prepared, that I put effort into my food so that it is tastey and I have no reason to cheat. Talking it out kinda makes me feel I've committed to it. I've committed to the healthy food, it's just a matter of getting to that day and eating it.  Yeah I still feel that I'm missing out, not all the time, just now and again.  It's a reality I have to face on birthdays, special occassions, however NOTHING TASTES BETTER THAN LOSING WEIGHT.

I'm taking this coming monday off so I've got a nice long weekend.  Long weekends can be rather tough if you are not busy, simply because temptations can arise.  I might go for a long leisurely walk along the prominade or go to movies and play games.  Get out of the house and into the warm sunshine.

To staying strong and true!
Health is wealth.

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