Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Lately I just don't want to eat....

That is true!  I just don't want to prepare the food and eat it.  Being on this diet is labour entensive.  You have to get whatever it is you want out of the fridge, weigh and measure and 9 times out of 10 - cook it, don't forget you then got to get your herbs out and garlic in order to make it taste decent.  After an hour of squatting, vacuuming and dusting, the last thing I want to is cook. 

Okay rewind:  Let me give you a brief summary of my weekend!  Friday night was off to friends to go over spanish and, well that was it, go over spanish. Slept over and since I was planning on sleeping over the following night had to make sure that I was super prepared and get all meals ready - weighed and measured.

Saturday popped up and had a quick breakie of scrambled egg with onion and tomatoe while Jaryd ran around and got ready for spanish.  Shot off for a 2 hour spanish class - which was SUPER CONFUSING!!!  Verbs ending in AR, ER, IR have differnt endings if it is first person, second person, female, male, singular, plural - mind blowing stuff.  After that 2 hour episode I could have done with a glass of wine to soothe the brain, but alas couldn't have that, so next best thing was puppies and fruit salad.  Yay! I didn't have to prepare the fruit salad, I could choose the fruit I wanted and eat it.  Joy!

Jaryd and I spent the rest of the afternoon working on his spanish assignment - I reckon we rocked it and am hoping for a good mark!  Saturday night we had friends over for a braai, I had to make my own mince dish of course, which again = labour entensive, but I've got to do what I got to do.  We rocked out on guitar hero and sing star till about 4:30 am - I had 2 little cuts of beef in this time as I was jumping around and after 5 hours got hungry again.

Woke up late on Sunday, had a quick breakie of scrambled egg again and didn't have time to make my lunch.  I was taking my gran out for the day, which included lunch and didn't want to eat at a restaurant.  Shot off picked up the gran and headed off to visit my  uncle.  Fast forward to lunch, my brother had joined us, which was a blessing as I might have had something more fattening than I did - he keeps a very strict eye on me, so I ended up having the chicken salad with feta and avo.  I only ate half of the salad and know that I didn't exceed the protein quota at all because the chicken was only 4 measely thin strips, I am allowed feta and again definitely not enough to cover the protein quote.  I did enjoy the avo!!!! - you get an eye for quantity on this diet.  Gave the rest of the salad to my gran and brother - R55 for half a salad! Staying on track - priceless.

Monday = day off and lazed around.
Tuesday went to clean my uncles bedroom.  It needed to have a good clean, move things out (like the bed) so that we can get a hospital bed into the room and just create more space for when he returns from hospice.  Since my gran's vacuum cleaner doesn't stand up you have to lunge and then squat and vacuum, great for those leg and glutius maxiumus muscles!  So come lunch time, I cut a quick 45g cheese and two crackers - didn't even feel like the veggies - so I didn't.  Tuesday night I really didn't want to eat anything that I had to cook.  Not that I want to pig out on pizza or anything like that.  I could have done with cereal!  or egg on toast.  Something quick and simple with as little effort as possible. That can get frustrating - the fact that I can't just whip up something other than protein and veg, which inevitably has to be cooked.  **sigh**  Such is the life of a dieter.

I do feel thinner, in that I can feel my bones more, definately around my elbows, knees, chest and neck. I am getting tired (a bit) of the same foods, but I know I just got to hang in a little while longer.  Got to see this to the end and can't give up.  I give myself little inspirational talks every day.  I have to remind myself about the baby steps: one step / one day at a time. 

I really want to get to the gym so that I can start working out and toning, but I know right now it's about the bulk - get the bulk off first, do the "reintroductory foods" programme and then hit the gym with a proper eating plan to help me tone and sculpt.  I've been looking at the "Body For Life" programme - there have been fantastic results and I know it takes hard work - I'm happy to put in those hours at the gym!

For now......back to baby steps.
Health is wealth.

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