Wednesday, 24 August 2011


It's been over a year since my uncle was diagnosed with cancer, over a year since my cousins' marriage in the Uk and over a year since I did regular physical excercise.

The program I've been on does mention that you shouldn't excercise too excessively - simply because you are not eating enough fuel.  Saying that though, I've recently been feeling like my arms and legs have ants in them. I call this nervous energy and I know why - I have a lot going on, my uncle is getting worse, I'm not focusing like before and I need to burn this energy up.

I started walking.  Remember, no regular physical exercise for over a year.  So I decided to start off with an easy walk around my local racecourse. It's about 3km - 3.5km around the whole racecourse.  I started this past Monday, not gunhoe, but a reasonable pace to elevate my heart rate and get me flushed.  I will walk every day (at least 5 times a week), I will then increase to twice around the course.  Cardio fitness is my aim for now.  I don't want to launch into gyming and weights straight away, because I know how my body works and this time around I'm listening to my body, and will give it what it needs and what it can handle.  I don't want to push any trigers that will throw me off course.

I'm due for my 3rd walk tonight and man I can feel all those unused muscles protesting.  My shins, my glutes, my thighs and even my lats (I don't know how that figures in it, perhaps the swager of the walk) - all of them are creaking, moaning and paining.  It feels great!  I'm moving again - moving with intent. Moving towards my goal, aiding my weightloss plan and at a healthy pace.

My passion for health, fitness and good nutritian is growing with every day, to the extent that I want to make a career change and go into this full time and really help overweight people.  They will get heartfelt, excellent advice from someone that DID IT!  Not some Barbie or Ken that has never battled with weight (in saying this I know there are trainers out there that do care, again though you have never been in "our" shoes).  People will know that I did it and if I did it, so can they, I can provide them with healthy tools to get them on their way.  I'll be enrolling in the Health and Fitness Professional Association of South Africa next year July.

For now regardless of aches and pains, my mind is on track.  I feel focused again. Worked off a lot of negativity and iffiness I'd been carrying for the last 10 days or so.  The walk gave me that extra needed oomph, and it stilled my 'ants'. 

I have also finally completed my little mosaic handbag - for those of you that didn't know, I have been going to mosaic classes.  I find it so theraputic to think about nothing else but little tiles and sticking them down for three hours.  It's a type of meditation for me.  In those 3 hours a week I don't have to think about illnesses, work, diets, bills - just my tiles and my project at hand.  I will take a pic of the complete mosic bag and put it up. My second project is for my friends mum - she has a gecko wall.  Well I've called it her gecko wall.  There are families of geckos living on that wall along with a mirror, wire and candle gecko.  I'm doing a bright mosaic one for her - tadaa.  Proud to say I drew the gecko freehand and that it's come along very nicely - that too will be showcased.  Yes - I do take on work - so if you want something done - contact me.

In other good news, my cousins are coming down from the UK.  First one arrives today and the second with wifey arrives on friday.  I haven't seen them for nearly a year.  It's going to be awesome.  They will get to spend time with their uncle and have their serious, fun and sad moments.  My little family will be together and we'll help each other through this.  My uncle has gotten a lot worse and we don't think he's going to last too much longer.  I'm so happy he has gotten to see me at least start this journey, he has seen that I mean business and I know that he is so proud of me.  He knew I could do it, I knew I could do it - here I am people...doing it every day. I will carry on until I have reached my goal, and I will continue to maintain and help all that I can.

From me to you - health is wealth, treasure it.

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