Monday, 30 May 2011

Getting Smaller Every Day!

So after my brilliant start to the weekend (fitting into smaller clothes) I was brave enough to pull out a pair of jeans that I bought and NEVER wore - they were so tight, they could only get up to my thighs and that was it. I had hung them up and left them.  On friday night, encouraged by the morning fittings, I tried them on and to my absolute suprise and delight they fitted.  They actually fitted. I was hoping to get into them by August for the Madam Zingara's show! Whoop whoop!  That means I'm down 5 jean sizes. HOORAH!

If you've never been overweight, you'll never know the feeling of giving your 100% and being rewarded.  There is no better taste on earth than that and right now I will not exchange that for a fleeting cheat.

I sat through a birthday breakfast at Spur and stuck to black coffee only, while everyone around me ate bacon, eggs, chips and toast.  I was sitting in my newly fitted jeans and it didn't bother me one little bit.

I know that every day I'm 100% I get smaller in size.  I know that every day I'm 100% gets me closer to my goal.  I look at pics of people that have lost great amounts of weight and am inspired to continue.

Today, a collegue brought in some Briyani as it was her birthday over the weekend.  Everyone gathered around the 'meeting table' and enjoyed a delicious Indian lunch.  I sat and drank water, ate 2 crackers.  My boss kept apologising whenever she said how lovely the meal was.  I told her not to worry, I've tasted it all before and that I am where I want to be and do not feel like I'm missing out.

Thank you to everyone that has encouraged me to keep going.

I know I still have a long way to go, but I've been walking this path for 2 and a half months and I know that I can do it.  So I will!

Friday, 27 May 2011

This is ridiculous! the best way.  This morning, being a chilly sub 20 degrees means it's time to put on pants, scarves, sox and long sleeve shirts.  Yes, us Durbanites know we are whimpish when it comes to the cold and I'm not going to apologise.  It suddenly turned FREEZING COLD (muy frio - I'm learning spanish!) and I'm convinced that becuause I have less fat on me, I'm feeling it even more so.

Off to the wardrobe I go and pull out my pair of black smart pants. If you recall, they were starting to get a bit baggy on me.  Pulled them up without undoing the zip or button and "oh my word!!!!!!!!!!"  They were literally hanging on me.  They looked horrid!  Baggy baggy around the bum and legs and tummy.  Whoop!

Alright, so I do have a back up pair - the smaller ones that I haven't been able to wear for ages.  I had taken these smaller pants to Cape Town in error and ja, needless to say I couldn't even come close to trying to zip them up as they didn't even close around my tummy area.  Do I chance it?  Had I lost enough to wear them?  I was taking a risk and I didn't want to be disappointed, but hey, got to take chances too.  Gingerly I pulled them out, gave them a shake, undid the zip and button, slipped both legs in .... so far so good.  Ah up around the bum, great!  Now pull together to zip and botton.  Voila!!!  Success!  But, hold on, these too are loose on me!  The were baggy.  That is when I literally said "This is ridiculous!" :) 

Now to try on a 3rd pair of pants.  I have a pair of cargos that I haven't worn for an absolute age, they were just so freaking tight, I could barely breath standing up with them on, let alone sitting down.  Pulled those on and I'm absolutely delighted to announce they fitted and very nicely too.  The leg area is a little baggy, but they fit! They fit, they fit.

It is so wonderful knowing, seeing and feeling the results of this diet.  Yes it's a difficult diet to follow, yes, I desire food that I'm not allowed, but man oh man, all this saying no is so VERY WORTH IT!  I was so excited to get onto the pee cee and let you know about my results. The blog gods however didn't seem to keen for me to get this celebratory news out and I had to find a way to overthrow them - again success.

This weekend my family are getting together for a lunch with my uncle.  He is still sick and he is still my inspiration.  I'm happy I can show him that I'm sticking to this.  I'll be making roast chicken, greek salad and foccacia (from scratch) for my family.  I'll of course stick to my eating plan.

So, people, all in all, a flippen excellent start to my weekend.  Nearly 2 and half months into this and I can tell you that I'm looking forward to saying no and to getting thinner in the next 2 and half months.

To health, to wealth, to getting slim.
Viva Loulou Viva.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Yoghurt! Plain Greek Yoghurt.

You wouldn't think that this would make for a topic, but let me just assure you, when on diet, what type of yoghurt you choose is VERY important.  Since being on the new healthy way of eating I have sampled a variety of plain, low fat yoghurt.  I've bought from the expensive brands to the cheap, looking for something that I could actually enjoy and not force myself to eat. 

Many brands were plain horrid!  The yoghurt was close to sour and vile!  Even mixing mango or paw paw in didn't do much and I have had to force my breakfast down.  One brand was so bad that I ate cheese for breakfast that week, I just couldn't face another spoon of that yoghurt.  Ugh, it gave me the hibby gibbies.

 I also didn't want to hurt the bank.  Yoghurt, as many other health foods, is getting expensive.  In this case though, I had to ask myself "Do I want to save a few rands, or do I want to enjoy my breakfast and stick to this plan?"  Of course it's the latter.  So I recommend: Dannon, Nutriday Plain Low Fat Yoghurt.  YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.  It tasted like I was eating thick cream.  It is so delicious - I was blown away.  Today I actually couldn't wait to have my breakfast.  I mixed one 175g tub with sweet Paw Paw - simply delish.  It is a small thing like this, that can make or break your diet. 

So do yourself a favour, and go for the tastier option, it makes a huge difference. I'm quite happy to keep eating this yoghurt every day for breakfast now.

9 Weeks have passed and the 'feel' right now is 'settling in'.  I'm settling into this plan as I know it's for the long haul.  This is not a 3 or 6 month diet.  I'm on this for at least another 10 months and then I've got a lot of work to do there-after - getting fit and maintaining my healthy habits, rethinking food and putting it in it's place. 

There are times that I feel it's taking forever, but I remind myself that there really are no quick fixes in life.  Sometimes the longer, scenic route gets you there faster...somehow. 

So, here is to settling in for the next few months.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Cut the Freaking Fat!!!

Hoorah!  2 months today.  At times this diet messes with my mind, no not the diet, my mind messes with itself.  I've always failed when it comes to losing all of my weight.  I've lost, put on, lost - you know the usual yo-yo style and in the end, just given up.  I always felt so overwhelmed by it - beaten before I had started. 

This time, however, it has been so very different.  My mind is made over and that is truly half the battle won, one quarter is to stay on the diet until you reach your goal and the other half is to keep saying everything you are not allowed.  Yeah it does effect your social life to a degree, but it's worth it and it's not forever.

So since I've changed my lifestyle, I'm very picky about the fruit, veg and meat I buy.  I look for interesting fruits that don't have too much sugar - I've been so let down in that department - the variety and deliciousness of fruit in SA this year is lacking.  Most pears and plums are powdery - ugh!!  And well there is just very little variety out there!  The veg has been up to standard and I was so excited when brussel sprouts came into season - I love them!!!!  You have to simply boil them with a little bit of garlic, salt and pepper and then eat them hot - pop in your mouth delicious.

 I pretty much stick to chicken fillets, chicken mince, smoked chicken, lean cuts of steak and mince. I haven't had a chance to get my hands on fresh fish just yet.  Mince is a tricky one, as a lot of fat can be hidden in mince.  NEVER EVER buy regular mince - it's far far to fatty, I never bought it before and never will.  Even lean mince, would you believe, contains a hellofa lot of fat.  So naturally, being the new healthy me, I opt for the EXTRA LEAN MINCE.  Off I go and weigh my 110g portion of mince with my 110g veggie and proceed to boil it up with herbs, garlic, salt and curry powder.  I always leave a little bit of liquid in my meal.  I put it in a tupperware and in the fridge at work.

When it came to heat it up in the micro, I opened and saw that SO MUCH FAT had solidified *ugh*.  This is supposed to be extra lean mince that has been boiled and there is still soooooooo much fat in it.  I was trully shocked.  I thought I had bought the wrong mince and did check when I got home, as I still had the packaging.  Trues bob, extra lean mince!!!  So instead of shrugging and popping it in the micro, I took a spoon and took as much of this congealed fat out of my food - it turned out to be about 2 and a half tablespoons!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes people there is that much hidden fat in 110grams extra lean mince.  I make sure I scoop all of that out and throw it away.  It's better for me and my heart.

Thinking back about how I would have prepared mince - put oil with my onions and tomaotes, throw in the mince and not given that fat a second thought.  I'm amazed at how I'm scrutinizing even my healthy foods.  I guess when you have limited options you look for the best of everything and you want to get what you pay for....and I want to be as good as I can be on this diet.

Perhaps if you are looking to lose a bit of weight, start by cutting out as much fat as you can.  Boil chicken and then pop it in the oven if you want to brown it. Boil your mince down. Slow cook or boil other foods, you'll be amazed that they still taste pretty good with a little bit of garlic, herb and spices.

I can't wait to be able to write that another 2 months have passed with success.

Yours in health!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Onward and Upward...

...or should that be downward.  Indaba 2011 came and went.  They were long days, little food and resisting temptation on all fronts. You can buy delicious meals at the Indaba and the company pays, ah couldn't do that, there was nothing on the menu for me.  We had a wine and chocolate tasting at our stand, I poured wine, broke chocolate, and the smell was intoxicating - I was literally salivating.  Alas I couldn't sample any of those delights.  It was extremely difficult overcoming those 4 days.  But I did it!  I was and still am so very proud of getting past those 4 days.  At lunch time while everyone was devouring curries, oxtail, wraps, salad rolls, I sat with my small lunch outside and repeated my mantra out loud, "it's worth it, it's worth it, this is your choice".

 V I C, V I C, V I C T O R Y, Victory Victory is my cry V I C T O R Y!

Got back into the office on Wednesday and had a black skirt and red top on.  That day I got 3 compliments. "What is your secret that you've lost so much weight".  Er, hullo!!! Haven't you seen what I've been eating these past 2 months - very little!  THAT is the secret, healthy small portions of food and lotsa water :)  Not much of a secret really.

I've mixed things up a bit these past two days.  I haven't really been "feeling" the yoghurt, so opted for cheese in the morning.  50 g cheese and two provitas.  Lunch 110g smoked chicken (new favorite delicious treat) with salad and 2 provitas.  It's important to mix things up a bit, chop and change.  This will keep you from getting bored with the same ol' same ol'.

Monday the 16th of May will mark 2 months.  That is the longest I stayed on this diet all those years back.  Passing this benchmark is a huge thing for me.  Simply put I panic.  I start worrying that the diet will stop working and others will think that I'm cheating and lying about it.  A lot of 'what ifs' plague my mind.  I then have to take control and still my mind.  I remind myself that I have made a promise to me and I know this time around I will not break it.  There is only room to succeed.  I know if I don't, I'll totally lose it and blow up to the size of a house.  I don't want that.

Onward and Downward I go.

Friday, 06 May 2011

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me.

I am not the most attractive human in the world, I have my freckles, my flaws, my lumps and bumps.  There are one or two things I'd like to change and I'm working on the one.Overall though I'm a really fine/phat person.  You'll be hard pressed to find someone like me in this day and age.  I'm not saying this to blow my own trumpet, it's the truth.

What I don't need in life is to have other people shit on the little parade that I may have going on.  I'm feeling healthier than I ever have, I'm feeling good and positive about my life ..... and then ..... poop! 

Words can still hurt and though I have a very strong mind I do feel it now and again.  I am strong enough though to rise above it and continue on.  I found again though when I felt this "cut" that I wanted to turn to food.  I wanted to eat away the pain, but I knew that I couldn't.  I couldn't run and hide behind the fridge.  I had to face it full on and ask myself questions a) is what is being said true? b) how does this effect me? c) are you going to cheat?  So back to my first paragraph, I may not be beautiful in the way the world may dictate, but I'm still beautiful in so many ways, I am worth it, I am perfect the way I am and no one is going to tell me different....sticks and stones people, sticks and bloody stones.

So I decided to just let it be.  Let the hurt sit there and then let it go and the most important thing - Not To Cheat!  I was successful, so another little victory.  The more I can master my emotions the more I let food go and the more I let food go the easier it gets.

I do have another food hurdle coming up.  The Indaba.  Every year the magazine I work for attends, and I have to be there over all 4 days.  Everything is paid for.  There is breakfasts from 'healthy mini muffins' (insert muffin vitamin joke here) to full on bacon and eggs.  Don't forget lunch to tantalise your tastebuds and all the other little extras they throw in.  Many stands have sweeties and oysters - whoop whoop - to intice you to their stand.  I, however, shall be packing my own lil lunch! My wee lunch! My healthy lunch and the lunch that shall ultimately sustain me....ja.

Definately going to call up the jedi within to get over this." The force is strong with this one". Sooooo many temptations.

Lately I've been getting a tad hungry during the day.  Don't know if it has to do with the cold weather settling in and the desire for hot soups with crispy hot rolls smeared with real butter?? 

Anyway I can't believe that in just over a week I would have been on diet for 2 whole months.  It's so awesome that I started this journy and have stuck to the path.  Before I know it another 2 months would have past and I'll be all the more closer to my goal.

Health is wealth!  

Tuesday, 03 May 2011

6 Weeks - Horah!

Yeah, 6 weeks on...what can I say except that I'm so proud of myself for getting here.  I remember when I was counting the days to 21 - when new habits are created.  I've now doubled that time and it's gone a lot faster.  I am definitely getting into the swing of things.  Taking the new lifestyle in my stride and continually reminding myself where I want to get too.  When I get there, there will still be work to be done:  eg excercise and toning.  I will tackle that when I get to that bridge.  For now I'm happy that I started and have kept to the diet for this long.

Two more weeks and a whole 2 months - wow! An attainable goal. I've keep telling myself I can do it, and then I AM doing it.  I know my journey is a long one, it's not an overnight ride.  I've got to walk it every day.  Some days are harder than others.  It's good to have support those days.  My one friend said " I'm not amazed, 'cos I know you can do it, never expected anything less "  If they slip up and offer me something and I have the opportunity to say no, it strengthens my resolve.  Every good healthy decision I make gets me closer and closer to a slimmer me.

I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, the number isn't important any more, the key thing is that I'm losing weight every day and every day my body is smaller than the day before.  There is no reason to get upset, because I have been true to myself, my promise and this diet and will continue to do so.

I'm still keeping my food interesting and as tastey as I can with what I have available to me.  The other night I made chicken "meatballs" with squash.  I got some chicken mince, added my garlic, my finely chopped chilli and leeks, added a bit of salt and rolled 9 balls and let that cook.  It turned out really well.  Today my lunch was simply delish.  I made savory mince.  100g lean mince, 110g mixed mushrooms / green onion, garlic, salt and a dash of balsamic.  Cook in water and let it simmer all the way down - simple and truly delicious.  Yumm yumm.  My best dish these days is cheese salad.  Since lettuce doesn't weigh all that much, you're allowed quite a bit, I add that with 2 cherry tomatoes, a little sliced onion and cucumber, a drizzle of balsamic and voila - a brilliant tastey cheese salad. I'm going to have this every day until I get sick of it.

My last pic was taken 2 weeks ago, I'll be taking another one today when I get home and reviewing them next to each other.  I have been receiving compliments, so that is a good sign.