Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Last night and Day 3

Well well well.  I must say that by the time I left work for home last night, I was anything but in a good mood. And let me explain why.  I work in the advertising industry for a group of magazines.  I focus on Country Life property and accommodation advertising and  I do love my job.  I've been in advertising for most of my career life. Yesturday I was told to take a certain aspect of my job seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now you can imagine: I'm pms-sing, I'm hungry, I work very well and you tell me to take my job seriously! SERIOUSLY? 

Straight away I'm frustrated and pretty much wanting to blow up and shower blubber over these people.  But I keep my cool.  Cooooool as a cucumber.  Still frustrated though and that is one of biggest triggers.  I want to rush to the nearest take out, spar or fridge and eat.  Now I knew I could do that this time around.  From Monday I'm controlling this aspect of my life.  Anyway, so on the drive home I'm debating if I should pull off and cheat - I mean who would know right.  SIS LOU!  I assure you I didn't.  Hooray!  I did open the fridge though and pulled out my left over mango.  It was refreshingly cold.  I sat down and slowly savoured my mango, enjoying every little bit.

A while later I cooked my dinner and it was pretty delish - I am fortunate in that I have a knack of making food taste good, even if it's diet food.  I had a bit of reading to do that needed feedback and that kept my mind busy and not focused on the emptiness.

I was up by 6 am, had a bath, took my second photo and procceeded to get breakfast made - yoghurt and mango.  I keep it pretty easy and simple during the week and I must say the mango does make a huge difference.  Got lunch ready (half a gem, 2 tsp onions, 50g mushies  and 60g tussers cheese) and headed off to work.  Again being busy has distracted me from the emptiness in my tummy.  The day has gone pretty smoothly and I'm checking out some truly inspirational pics on a support forum for Dr Cohen dieters - WOW.   These pics are truly inspiring and I will put my pics up on that site one day.

What I haven't done yet is put up my "why are you doing this" I sent an email to friends and family telling them I'm going to be blogging - hell they may be the only ones reading it for all I know, but that is okay.  They are the most important and they get to know what's truly going on inside.... 

here is my why:  I had a chat with uncle Brian last night (he is the reason I'm taking this so seriously and though bitter sweet, is my inspiration for this)  For those that don't know my Uncle Brian is terminally ill with a variety of cancers.  Uncle Brian said to me that he always believed he would see me slim.  I know that there is a limit on my time to do this now and I want him to see me slim and healthy. Of course I want this for myself too, but faced with my uncles' mortality has inspired me to go for it and accomplish this one thing that has held me back for so long from living my best life.  I don't want to have regrets when my time comes to leave this world.  No matter what, uncle Brian has always believed in every single one of his nieces and nephews and only wants the very best for us.  He tells us we are champions in our own right and can accomplish anything we want.  I ask that you all help in your own way - don't offer me cakes, food, drinks for the time being and if you see me doing / eating something I shouldn't, tell me and be firm about it.  The only time I will be giving a little bit of lee-way is in August (a dinner show) and then back on track.

Watch this space......


  1. Hi Loubelle

    Just saw your link to your blog and what can I say but I am in the same oversize boat and I wish you tons of good luck. I am on my zillionth diet attempt (day 1) and so far so good.

    I am sick of being fat. Sick of not being the best me I could be. Sick of trying to pretend I am okay with the way I am when I am not. Just yesterday, I met with a client for the first time and he indicated to my belly and asked when I was due to go on maternity leave. I am also sick of waking up with stiff sore joints and sore feet caused by collapsed arches caused by my weight. I hate having to shop in the plus size ranges when all I want is to look funky and cool and the plus size shops just don't accomodate my style.

    I have a 5 year old daughter and I do not want her going down the same road as me of yoyo dieting and obesity. It is up to me to sort myself out now and once and for all.

    So here's to new and successful attempts. If you need a diet buddy, I am here.


  2. Hi Hilary,

    thanks for the encouragement, and right back at you.

    If you need a pick me up chat give me a shout. I am so focused this time around. I feel that it is set in stone this time around.

    I have eaten enough delicious food to not miss it.

    You've got a great motive for losing the wieght - your daughter. You want to be around for her, you want to be able to shop with her and just do things that you wouldn't normally do carrying the extra weight.

    Health is wealth.
    Right here for when you need it.
    Lou x
