Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A Brand New Start.

Today is the 23rd of March.  I officially started my journey to a thinner/slimmer/healthier self yesturday, complete with front and side pics.  I can tell you it's a scary picture. I am an obese female and of course with that comes a hellofa lot of baggage...and I'm not only speaking about the weight issue. People look at you differently, treat you differently.  I'm so sick of it.  Even movies potray obese people in a very negative light - as mindless, stupid eating machines.  That is not entirely true.  Some people may eat for the sake of eating, others eat to fill a void, other more so because that is how their family brought them up - it can be come rather complex.

For me, I eat for a number of reasons: stress, when I'm unhappy, when I'm happy (celebrate with food) or to cover over the hurt/disappointment I've faced in my life.

So what is different now than all the previous attempts to loose weight.  My uncle!  He is terminally ill with cancer and is facing his mortality.  He says he has lived a good life for the most part.  That got me to thinking "would I have regrets if my time came now?"  Whole-heartedly yes!  Now I don't want that for my life.  I don't want to have regrets.  I want to life a very full life, finding new experiences, to explore other avenues, and honestly being overweight prevents me from truly painting my life canvas.

So I've chosen the eating plan I'll be following:  Dr Cohen.  It's not the easiest to follow, but it's healthy and provides me with what I need.  Sure sure people may say "cut down", "smaller portions" - for some that may work, it doesn't with me.  When food tastes more-ish, I go for more. To give you a clue as to what I'm eating this is my food for today:  Woke up at around 6:50 am.  7:30 am I had 175ml of plain yoghurt with half a large mango.  I've had 2 cups of rooibos with 2 sweetners, 1 provita and 1 cup of water, soon to be followed by a second.  My lunch will be at 12:30 (5 hours between meals) and yes I'm already feeling the hunger pains.  I'm having 60g tussers cheese, 100g red pepper and 2 provitas.  Know that I'll more than likely have a couple of glasses of water before, to fill me up.  Dinner at around about 17:30 will be 110g marrows, with 110g chicken (I'll add a bit of garlic, salt and pepper - no spice!! no oil!!!) 2 provitas.  The other half of the mango.

Yes not the easiest of eating plans to follow, but I will.  Oh yes I'm also allowed to have 1lt of Tab, Diet fanta or sprite zero. I count those as my treats and don't have them every day.

How do I feel....hungry, optimistic and youthful (Justin Biebiers' Baby Baby Baby oooooh is playing on the radio) I want to succeed!  

I have also started a photo diary, these pics will be uploaded after a certain period of time.  They are taken every second day at about the same time in the morning, wearing the same clothes. 

And that is it for now.

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