Monday, 31 October 2011

The important things.

The important things truly are so simple.  Your family, your health, to be happy.  You can subdivide those 3 catogories as well, but that really is the sum of all things.  It makes me happy to see members in my family happy and succeeding, following their dreams whether or not something will come out of it - but just being gutsy enough to try!

To be strong and healthy and have the mobility, sight that our bodies offer is oft taken for granted and overlooked.  Let me tell you I appreciate every day, even the boring, or sad ones because I have my life and I though I have no major health issues am still on the journey of losing weight and getting to a healthy figure, where I can go out and make good use of my legs and lungs :)

Personal happiness, the happiness that comes from self not from someone else or dependent on someone else, a happiness that comes from within and not from things/money.  Yes, things can put a smile on our face, but a new toy is just that and like a child we'll soon tire from the gadget and if you are unhappy, it will only be a temporary smile at that. Money can smooth some things, it has it's own problems too - or perhaps the mis use of it has problems.  If you are unhappy, no amount of money in the world will change that.  So this happiness is a geniune state of inner contentment, inner acceptment, inner peace - this radiates outwards.

Sooo where am I weight wise - after about 2 months of rollercoasting/ ups and downs, you name it - I am back.  Mind is focused.  I'm on the path again and committed to this journey as before.  I can't have come all this way to just put the weight back on and fail.  I have said many times that this time I will accommplish my goals.  I aim too fulfill my promise.

If we fall off the wagon, we have to get back on it and cling on the sides again and carry on down the path.  So if you've also fallen off, it's a new month! it's a new day! and it's a new mind set! Let's do it.

Health is wealth.

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