Wednesday, 12 October 2011

It is done.

I touched my uncle's cheek, it was ice cold and hard.  The body without the life is just that, a body, and it did not resemble the uncle I knew, loved and cared for.  I knew his spirit had left, that the essence that made him Brian Maxwell had exited this world.

The funeral was held yesturday.  It was marvelous to see so many people come and pay their respects and say their final goodbyes.

It was heart breaking standing next to my gran as she said goodbye to her son, tears spilling from her eyes, her wrinkled hand rubbing the casket.  She bent down and gave him a farewell peck on his forehead.

I saw my brother wipe tears away, trying so hard not to cry. I heard my cousin's voice tremble as he spoke his words, I saw my other cousin sobbing in the front as I stood in front of the mike trying to make it through my speech without breaking down.

Strangely enough I can say it was a good day, in that everything went off very well.  It was a send off Brian would have liked.  Friends and family got together and enjoyed tea and cake together, telling tales of their time spent with my uncle - some really good stories there.  And some really good cake.....of course I had some!  I didn't feel any guilt as I sampled little bites here and there - all supremely delicious and totally decadent in my view.

My weightloss journey starts again.  I still believe I will get there.  I will accomplish that which my uncle knew I would.

Thank you uncle Brian for believing, not only in me, but in all your nieces and nephews.  We all love you very dearly, we will miss you and each time we think of you we will send love and light into the world.

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