Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Weighed in....and lost.

Happy to report that I have lost another 1.5kg this brings my total to 9.8kgs.  Many may think "wow so quick, it looks so easy"  Yes it is relatively quick, but I do have a lot to lose, but let me tell you it's not that easy.  Every day is a conscious decision to eat right.  Every day I have to fight urges (especially around dinner time) to stick to this plan.

The thing is every day I jot down what I eat and drink, every day, in the morning I write in my food journal that I will be 100% - so the tone is set for the day.  I don't want to keep yo yo-ing up and down anymore. I want to lose this weight and be done with it and just maintain a healthy lifestyle.

At the center where I weigh everyone wants to know what I'm doing.  I'm eating very healthy is my answer and then the barrage of questions come.  I told a woman last night I'm eating myself thinner.  I don't take supplements or appetite suppressants ( I do need to get a good slow release vitamin though).  Those things do help, but you don't learn about the right foods that way.

Another lady then said she had thyroid problems.  Yes a slow thyroid can hinder weight loss if you are not taking medication or eating right, but as a thyroid sufferer myself, I have in the passed used that as an excuse.  Oh yes, it becomes the crutch you lean on and trust me, I didn't watch what I ate.  Now that I am, I don't even need the medication, because my thyroid actually starts kicking into gear the longer I eat right - yup the whatever levels balance out.

The secret is to eat healthy, to watch portion control, cut the crap and get down to it.

For me it's going to be another week of healthy eating and come Wednesday the 20th I'll be lighter.

Good health to you.

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