Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Never Give Up

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb". Nelson Mandela.  I can only imagine that Nelson was in Kwa-Zulu Natal, on a hot, humid day, in the area of 1000 Hills when he came up with that quote.  For that is the view he would have seen.  1000 hills stretching out before him.  Each of those hills we climb up in our own personal way.  We all walk a journey.  Sometimes that journey may be a long straight path, other times it's hilly and requires much effort.  After all that effort we are then blessed with a beautiful view and we trek on.

My life has definitely been a one of hills.  There has been no easy path for me.  In my religious life - that was well, extremely mountainous, but I left that cult behind me and am now free to search and question.  In work, there were bumps, then a straight road and then came the 1000 hills, and I'm still busy climbing them as right now I am not where I should be and I know that.  Then of course, what this blog is about - my weight.  Up and down I have gone over the years.  I take responsibility for that up and down and that has gotten me to where I am today, another uphill climb, another striving for that view.  It's not an easy journey.  When you love food or even dare say addicted to it - it's difficult to given an addiction up in parts.  If you are addicted to drugs, you have to totally withdraw, with food you can't, you need to eat something to give fuel, to survive.  So to give up an addiction in parts in rather difficult.  Each day I have to consciously choose to eat healthy, to stick to the plan, to say no to all the junk.

It does get easier with time, but that 7 headed snake - Temptation - always rears it's head and will continue to do so, I just need to remember that I'm losing weight for my health, for me and there is still that promise I made to my uncle (RIP uncle Brian)  So here I am - climbing up.  I'm enjoying this journey even though this isn't one of those little hills.  I'm only about 9% of the way up.  I've got the whole hill stretching way up before me.  All I can do is put one foot in front of the other, wipe my brow, breathe deeply and keep moving in the right direction.

With that said, it is weigh day.  I have my weekly weigh in a the Durban Health Centre and will update tomorrow where we are at. Currently I have lost 8.3kg and my BMI has dropped 3 points.

Stay strong, stay healthy.

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