Friday, 13 July 2012

Day 3.

I've reached day three, just now it will be 7, then 14 then 21 - habit formed :) The goal is to maintain this for at least 6 months.  I am happy about this little milestone.

My joy though is robbed by friday the 13th blues.  Yup!  First up, as you'll know I'm temping, now the agency I go through didn't read my timesheet properly so today I sit with less money paid to me than what I should get. Now it's a whole issue for them to pay it through.....NO ONE BOTHERS TO FOLLOW UP!

Next up, I requested to meet with the sale manager of another local newspaper and asked if I could meet with her and discuss the possibilty of me temping for their staff.  She mentioned they have an advertising admin position available, but because I havehave an aunt that works there she would have to check the nepotism laws.  This aunt can in no way swing the favor in my direction as she is not in a senior position....that was 10 days ago.  I take the innitiative and follow up asking if I could then apply for that position IF it was allowed.  The response was that she hadn't checked with the Human Resources yet and that I cannot apply for a position that hasn't been advertised yet........**eyeroll**

These kind of things set me on edge - all I want to do is comfort myself with food.  I've just gotten myelf out of a hole and don't want to get back into it.  My mental state just keeps getting tested over and over and over again.  I just can't let it fall to pieces and have to try my best.  Jesus it's hard.

Next option is to apply for a job in Pretoria - an advertising sales position has come up. I don't really want to move to Pretoria, but right now I don't see that I have too much of a choice.  May just have to suck it up and go.

At least I celebrate day 3.

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