Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I'm back on the horse....

Ladies and Gentleman **drumroll please** I am very please to say that I have effectively stuck to my eating plan for the last 24 days.

After pretty much putting on all but 6 kg's - due to the comfort eating and the horrendous 2012, I decided that I had to make a move - a weight loss move.  So I did and I committed.

I joined a weight loss challenge (through Herbalife) so that I can get weighed and measured, be accountable and be with people that are battling the bulge like myself. A challenge I would like to win :)  My first weigh in was on the 9th of January - that is always the worst day.  Since then however I have gotten thinner every week and am very pleased to announce that in 3 weeks I have lost 6.6kgs.  And so the journey begins again.  My BMI has dropped 3 points as well - which is fabulous.

Statistics say that I have a ZERO % chance of losing weight on my own.  This is due to the amount of weight and my BMI.  I stick my middle finger up at that and say "BRING IT ON".

So a brief recap of where I am and what is going on:
It's been over a year since my uncle passed away, since then my family, or so it feels has grown apart.  I guess his disease brought us all together as we were all focused on him.  On the anniversary of his death I had a double whiskey and raised my glass to him.  It was my promise to him over a year and half ago that initially got me started on the weight loss and I did good.  It still wasn't for me.  Now however, it's is something I'm doing for me and me alone.  I'm doing it for my knees, for my heart, for my lungs, for my back, for me - Lou.

I did a lot of temp work during 2012 and that kept me going.  I was very excited when I got the news in September that I'd be starting work for a small company in December.  A smallish salary but it would cover my needs and it was permanent. December came but unfortunately my employment was postponed until the 7th of January.  That came along and well I've pretty much being trained for something I wasn't employed for and it's been very quiet.  The good side however is that it's given me a routine.  This routine has been important in my weight loss.

So where to from here.  Onward and downward.  It feels great to be back in the saddle.  It feels fantastic to have lost nearly 7 kgs.  As I go along I'll keep ya'll posted.

Health is wealth.
Here's to a fantastic 2013 for me and for you.

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