Friday, 27 January 2012

The second month knocks

Wow! I can't believe!  February is around the corner.  My new job has been keeping me very busy.  There was only one moment of doubt - if I had done the right thing.  Was I too quick to resign my old post?  Did I know what I had gotten in too? What I had left behind?  That lasted one night.

As with everything new, I guess, we do have a little doubt that may creep in.  Simply because it is new.  Of course I also want to perform, I want to bring in good figures.  Not to impress anyone, not to be the star employee, simply to do my job as best I can.

That is what I do every day.  I put my best foot forward and go into each phone call, each appointment with a good attitude, positiveness and know that I have that moment to work with.  Some people will accept what I have to say about my product, some will not.  Some will keep their appointments and some will not.  I can only do my best, and you know what, sometimes even that is not good enough for some.  I have had some really cool meetings. 

The diet is still swinging too and fro.  My mother has taken up the call once again and been so good.  I have gone out and bought all the groceries so we are going back on track.  Never know what tomorrow may bring and I may have to rely on my good looks to help me out :)  Nah, still for health baby! Health is still true wealth, for without it - well you just can't do what you used to be able to do.

I'm reading another marvelous book called "Awareness" by Osho.  Brilliant book about how asleep eveyone is, even in their wake. All I can encourage people is to be aware of the moment they are in.  In really benefits everything.  Eg:  If you are dieting - be aware as you eat and drink - you will notice more what is going into your mouth.  If you are speaking - be aware how and what you say to people - you will notice more what is coming out of your mouth.  Open your eyes and really see - you will notice people, you will automatically get a sense of a deep connection not only to people but to nature, the cosmos, god.

I was travelling down the south coast and it was one of those truly beautiful days we get in south africa.  The ocean was to the left of me, green rolling hills to the right, the open road in front of me and huge wide open blue sky.  That is when I noticed a cabbage patch.  Rows and rows of cabbages, just growing and being a cabbage.  Quite happy to share their space with other cabbages, not worried about if they were growing right, if their leaves would develope.  They were just being cabbages.  It made me laugh out loud.  I was going to follow that example.  I am going to just be me.  I'm not talking about, Louise, the woman on diet trying to lose weight, or Louise, the sales rep, trying to bring in figures. Me, as in life.  I am life - I don't have a life - I am that life.  I will be that life.

I encourage you to feel that life - it's not that you just can breathe and thus are life.  Machines can do that for you today as you lie in a hospital bed.  Be that life.  Feel that life - I mean that literally - close your eyes and feel the life in you, in every cell.  You won't be able to contain the smile.

Oh and the car! Running like a dream!  At the end of the day it cost just under R10 000.  My dad has very very kindly gone halvies with me.  Uncle Norman did a fabulous job, as I knew he would.  The car is purring better than when she was new. 

This weekend is a big tennis weekend in Oz - Vamos Nadal Vamos!  I do fancy the spanish player.

Remember to follow your dreams, even if they seem stupid to others, feel your aliveness, be aware to what is happening.

Be happy.

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